After School

This app recently returned to the App Store after 4 months of being banned because of the volume of cyberbullying on the app. The company has made changes to the app to get Apple to let it back in the store. However, it is a closed, anonymous, location-based social network for children. This means high risk of bullying, sexting, adult content, and meeting strangers. We strongly encourage parents to keep their children off of this app.
If you find this app on your child's phone, please refer to our Parent's Guides for advice on talking to them about bullying.. This app allows children to post things anonymously to anyone who attends their high school. Posts are currently moderated but unfortunately, the case will be that children will develop techniques to get content distributed through the service that the moderators will miss. No anonymous, location-based social network has ever successfully avoided extensive amounts of cyber-bullying. You may want to role play with your children how much easier it is to say something mean in an anonymous note than it is to say it while looking directly into someone's eyes. This may help them recognize the weight of their words.
To see After School in iTunes, click here
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