Flirt & Hook Up

This is a dating app for adults. If you sign up as a minor, it will still let you match with adult users. This app is never appropriate for minors to use.
If this is on your child's phone, you need to have a conversation with your child about the danger of meeting up with adults for casual sex. In addition to our parent's guide for bullying, please review our guides for sexting and meeting strangers online. Based on the nature of the conversations, you may need to involve law enforcement to protect your child.
This app is only a few months old. We have not yet seen a report of a child rape or sexual assault, but it has the characteristics of other very high-risk apps (free adult dating service with no age verification), and so we view it as very high-risk. In the same way that children and young adults explore tobacco and alcohol, they sometimes explore apps like these. However, in a few mouse clicks and some conversations, it can have disastrous consequences.
To see Flirt & Hook Up in iTunes, click here
See our parent’s guides to apps with: